About Us

Batam island, is in Riau Archipelago Province Indonesia 20 km away from Singapore, convenience closed due to from Singapore by air or sea, in batam there are 1 air transportation (Hang Nadim International Airport) and 6 sea transportations (5 International ports and 1 domestic port).

Servotech Indonesia have 3 location factory on Batam, Automation and Control Fabrication Plant located in Walakaka Industrial Estate Batam Centre, Surface Services Plant located in Tunas Industrial Estate Batam Centre, OCTG Plant Located in Taiwan Industrial Park Kabil.

Servotech Indonesia have 4 branch offices, 1 offfice in Singapore and 3 Offices in indonesia which located in Jakarta, Pekanbaru and Palembang.

Servotech Indonesia was established on March 7th, 2003. We were starting our business in Automation and Control Fabrication for Oil and Gas which used in Indonesia, South East Asia and even Middle East, then on 2006 we have expanded our business in Oil and Gas Manufacture, and now we already growing bigger for our valuable customer and already certified API 11E as Pumping unit Manufacture, API 6A as Wellhead and Christmass Tree Manufacture, and 5CT as Pipe Threader and also doing Module Fabrication as our dedication to cover our customer needs.

Servotech Indonesia products was used in Indonesia Oil Company to proof our dedication to our nations, and besides that we also export our product to Malaysia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Canada, and much more, and in this year Servotech Indonesia committed going to global market. With all this experience, it will becoming an honour for us to serve and cooperate with you to explore more and more further.